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Kat’s Krafting Korner, formerly known as Salmagundi’s, has been in Lemon Grove for over 35 years

Circa 1976, Jean Shelton became the owner of Salmagundi’s, until October 2014, when I took over this iconic store located in the heart of Lemon Grove.  Jean was a multi-talented crafter whom everyone admired.


What made Jean’s little store so special was, throughout the years, during the ever-changing trends in the crafting world, she never removed the old supplies to be replaced by the trending new supplies (as the chain stores do), she merely added. And as a life-long crafter myself, it felt as if I had stepped back into time as I first entered the store.  This store literally has EVERYTHING for EVERY crafting project.  There were supplies that I had not been able to find for years.  I knew immediately I had to have this rare gem.

After purchasing Salmagundi’s I wanted to make it my own and changed the name to “Kat’s Krafting Korner” and that is where history started for me.

After one year I was offered a better location for less rental fees.  It was the same building but around the corner facing Main Street.  That is when I lost my footing, due to lack of means for getting the word out to all of my customer.

A year after relocating I was forced to close the doors.  But my inability to let go of my passion helped with my decision to join the digital world and take the store on-line.

And now we have reached present time.  Now I am fervently trying to get my on-line store up and running before the crafting season begins in September.

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